The following
articles are taken from issues of the Japanese Science Fiction
Shota Akimaya talks
to Science Fiction Author and Political campaigner Hayata Hashimoto
about the recent incidents that are continuing to unfold
Shota Akimaya:
Welcome to Dimensions In Space And Time can you tell us why you were
detained at Washington Airport under The Patriot Act, or am I over
Hayata Hashimoto:
Well like any good story there is always two sides, sometimes more. I
had been asked to attend a conference of Writers, Producers, Actors
and more noble individuals, to speak out against the recent terrorist
events that are taking place in Japan, that we know have been
orchestrated by The North Korean Government!
S, A: Which they
continue to deny!
H.H.: Well that's
their opinion; Anyway I had arrived to read a passage from The Bible
in response to the three North Korean Christians, who were executed
by their Government for speaking out against recent bombings in
Japan. I had found an appropriate passage from the Beatitude about
the purpose of forgiveness, since everyone knows about my devotion to
The Christian Faith. When I had checked in so to speak, I was asked
by a polite, yet authoritarian woman, what was my purpose in coming
to the States? So I explained to her, she then told me to wait
whilst she called security!
S.A: And then what
H.H: Two well
dressed men appeared, one black, one white, they asked me to
accompany them into a small room,
S.A: Correct me if
I'm wrong, but wasn't there a group of supporters there, from what
might be entitled various concerns!
H.H: There were
people there who had lost friends and relatives in The 9/11 incident,
and the July 7th bombings in London England. And there
were those that had been either directly or indirectly affected by
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And of course those who had been equally
affected by the terrorist events that are being orchestrated by The
North Korean Government, And of course those with what I will refer
to as equally empathic concerns! They were concerned how events were
unfolding and I had been sent an Email asking if I was prepared to
address them, I had replied saying I would be honoured! However
before I could respond I was taken into this room and told that I
could be accused of incitement, because The North Korean Embassy in
New York had issued a letter of protest, saying my visit was an
incitement of hatred against their Government and it's people! And it
was implied direct action could be taken!
S.A: Are we talking
attacks on The United States via what has become known as weapons of
mass destruction?
H.H: I believe that
was the implication! Anyway I was told that there was a possibility
of certain dedicated individuals reacting most strongly, and that it
would be best all round if I left by the side entrance! I was then
taken into a waiting car and allowed to get out a short distance from
where the conference was taking place!
S, A: Which you
H.H: Yes, and I'm
pleased to say the people who met me at the airport were able to
attend the conference when all had been settled!
S.A: Let's leave
recent events for a moment and talk about your childhood influences
that led to you becoming an author, apart from your upbringing as a
Christian, you were and still are a fan of the Victorian English
Author and Atheist H.G Wells, whom you quote as uttering praise on
the teachings of Jesus Christ, can you remind us what was said by Mr.
H.H: It was said
that: The Doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven, which was the main
teaching of Jesus, is certainly one of the most revolutionary
doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.
S.A: Which as a
Christian you would obviously agree with!
H.H: Of course!
S.A: Can you
remember the first H.G.Wells story you read, or rather the one that
had the biggest impact on you as a writer?
H.H: It would have
to be The Time Machine!
S.A: Can you tell us
H.H: It was more to
do with the ending, after the story itself had been resolved, he
decides to travel 30 million years into the future and sees a dieing
earth consisting of what little remains before the sun finally ceases
and nothing is left to remain. In Well's future, No hope, No God, No
S.A: Because it was
written by an Atheist, Though one who respected the teachings of
Jesus Christ!
H.H: Most people do!
S.A: And I believe
you wrote what could be entitled a Christian Science Fiction Story
about tine travel as an alternative to Well's ending!
H.H: It wasn't as
good, however it made me feel I had achieved something, I was nine at
the time!
* * *
More excerpts will
follow at appropriate intervals.
Headline from
Japanese Newspaper Yumiuri: Published two years ago.
Economic Sanctions
By China On North Korean Government, Could Lead To Unforeseen And
Disastrous Circumstances We are warned.
By our Political
Correspondent Ms Aoi Enatsu,
There are those who
consider The North Korean Government to be what is called the last
true bastion of real Communism. And With the Russian Economy in a
mess amidst further upheavals within The Ukraine, and The Middle East
itself becoming more unstable, “Some would say due to further
interventions by The United States” there are those that believe
they have a right to fear they may somehow be next!
Nobody is suggesting
The Americans are going to bomb North Korea,,or to be more precise
Nuke them as they did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, however there are
other ways!
Like all
Dictatorships North Korea is a closed society, it's people are
controlled by its unelected leaders who have complete control of all
Press and Media related outlets, including mobile phones; It has
issued restrictions on the use of The Internet, And whilst The United
States is busy elsewhere they apparently have nothing to fear, or do
they? North Korea is suspicious of the West and especially The United
States, these can be reasoned thus:
In 1910 Korea was
ruled by Japan
In 1948 When Japan
surrendered North and South Korea had become two separate Governments
both claiming they had a legitimate right to be recognised.
on 25th
June 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea thus starting what became
known as The Korean War, 27th June President Trueman
orders American forces into Korean territory supported by The United
Nations and Britain!
On 4th
of August to 18th September 1950 The battle of The Puan
Perimeter took place, in which The United Nations forces were
suffering defeat against advanced North Korean forces and South Korea
was suffering heavy defeats, However despite being backed by China
financially, North Korean troops suffered immense supply shortages,
September 1950 Despite small break throughs in The Puan Perimeter
North Korean troops are unable to withstand any further attacks and
are forced to retreat unconditionally.
North Korea believes
The United States is putting financial pressure on China to help
bankrupt its economy! It has been confirmed that China does not
support North Korea having a Nuclear Weapons!
North Korea has been
put back on the list of State Sponsored Terrorists by THe United
States after being briefly taken off by The Bush Administration in
October 2008.
North Korea is now
at war with Japan and has sent over various weapons of mass
destruction and committed acts of terrorism, especially on going
Chemical war and Sarin Gas attacks!
On other pages How
much was Japanese Science Fiction influenced by The Atomic Bomb? and
are the new breed of Japanese Science Fiction Authors being
influenced by the situation with the North Korean Government? An
interview with Japanese Science Fiction Writer Hayata Hashimoto,
taken from excerpts given in The Science Fiction Magazine Dimensions
In Space And Time can be found inside.
Interview reassumes.
S.A: Did you read
your stories to anyone?
H.H: Oh yes, My
Parents and my Grandparents whether they wanted me to or not,
persistence is the sign of a good writer! (smiles).: My Grandparents
would tell me about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where they
were born, they said people did not always help each other because
they were frightened for their own safety. My Grandfather compared it
in someways to H.G.Wells The Tine Machine!
S.A: Without the
devouring of human flesh!
H.H: Yes,
thankfully, although there were very disturbing scenes, people were
running around with appalling injuries such as their faces and skin
burnt by radiation, many had limbs blown off or suffered blindness,
something ironically similar in The Time Machine if you think about
S.A: And did it
cause you to think, most Japanese Authors were influenced by The
Atomic Bomb, I don't suppose you were any different!
H.H: No, although
being young I was into Creature Features, You know, the Godzilla
versus Tokyo kind of films, that all Japanese people knew were a
metaphor for the United States bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
S.A: Did the action
get in the way of the message, so to speak?
H/H: I think when
your young, it does, although that isn't always a bad thing! My
Granddaughter who is nine watches a cartoon series in which a group
of young Japanese Spies, take on every week a villain who lives on an
undisclosed island and launches attacks against the people of Japan!
Mostly the attacks are in the form of gasses that for some reason
turn into monsters, I have always considered this a mixed homage, if
you get my view!
S.A: Let's talk
briefly about other forms of Japanese Science Fiction spurned out of
the dropping of The Atomic Bomb, one film springs to mind “that I
know is your favourite” is the film Blood Type Blue by the Japanese
Film Director Kiachi Okamoto made in 1978. Can you explain a brief
synopsis for your younger readers!
H.H: Well the story
is about a group of people who are discriminated against, because
having witnessed UFOs their blood turns blue. The film is sat at
Christmas and is a metaphor for the prejudice suffered by those
affected by the radiation, from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki by The United States!
S.A: Isn't it true
your Grandmother suffered discrimination, because she had contacted
radiation cancer that fortunately was treated!
H.H: Yes, She was
told to get out because people feared them both to be contagious, and
she was even refused medical treatment at various stages, My
Grandfather told me they were even spat at and had things thrown at
them, many people suffered similar discrimination, although a lot of
people were kind as well. It is because they were afraid, “As
Christ said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do!
Interview will
continue at appropriate intervals,
Article from The
Washington Post:
North Korea
Increases Attacks On Japan With A MIxture Of Military Activity And
Continued State Sponsored Terrorism,
By our Foreign
Correspondent Charles Answorth,
The terrorist backed
state of North Korea has come a long way from the bombing of South
Korean Flight 858 by two North Korean Agents on the 29th
November 1987. Not satisfied with Cyber attacks and trying to prevent
the screening of The Interview, a film funded by The Sony Film
Company, it has gone back to a more Sadistic and almost Genocidal
form of state sponsored terrorism against its's enemy Japan,
including terrorism and Sarin Gas attacks and even suicide bombings;
It is said North
Korea changed its policy and watered down its state sponsored
terrorism after the KAL Flight bombing because it feared upsetting
its paymasters, namely Russia and China, though mostly China, And now
that The Soviet Union has collapsed, and China is further restricting
aid to North Korea it has come to the conclusion that terrorism is
the only way it can survive!
North Korea is
situated not far from Japan, 649 Miles separated by the sea of Japan.
So far it has launched attacks against various Japanese Cities by
sending over short range missiles of the non nuclear variety, It has
emphatically denied responsibility, claiming it is the work of
dissidents backed by The United States influence on economic
sanctions that they claim are causing people to become disloyal to
the Peoples Democratic Public Of North Korea. However this has been
dismissed by The United States Government's Press Office as a
fabrication of the truth! Yes, stated a spokesman, there have been
protests in North Korea as economic sanctions continue, however they
have been callously dealt with as in the case of the two Christian
women and one man who were publicly executed on Koran state
television. This was strongly condemned by many, including the
Japanese Science Fiction Writer Hayata Hashimoto at a conference in
Washington! The conference was to highlight the possible threat of a
nuclear attack!
Interview continues:
S.A: There are those
who believe the cold war helped prevent any threat of nuclear war,
and that now after the collapse we are in a more unstable situation,
as a member of the peace movement where do you stand on that debate?
H.H: I think there
is a case for it, and also one against! The case for is that the
Russians were more stable and would not risk the total annihilation
of the Earth for political gain, nor for that matter would the United
States! However there are many who are committed, we have seen this
with 9/11 and we know therefore that not all people are afraid of the
consequences, be they religious or otherwise!
S.A: Does that
include the non-religious state of North Korea!
H.H: I believe so,
North Korea is an old style Communist State, In someways you could
argue its leaders follow its teachings religiously!, I also believe
they fear persecution for war crimes, should their people ever rise
S.A: Do you think
that is what the United States is trying to achieve?
H.H: Yes, and
whilst I support them, I do not want North Korea to become another
controlled state, but allowed to make its own choices!
S.A: Your Daughter
is married to an American Soldier, how does he feel about what you
H.H: We get on quite
well, sometimes when we watch sport he sides more with me, My
Daughter prefers Dramas, My Granddaughter cartoons!
S.A: Let's talk
about comparisons in cartoons, I refer to United States Nuclear War
survival cartoons made during the Cuban incident under President John
F.Kennedy and the ones being shown today by Anime!
More excerpts will
continue at appropriate intervals!
There now follows a
Government Safety film on how to survive an attack. This has been
made in cartoon form!
Words appear white
on black:
What is Sarin Gas
And how Should We React?
So far there have
been twelve Sarin Gas attacks against the people of Japan and it's
Government, here is Hiroto of the Anime cartoon children's
T.V.Series. Space, Battle For The Earth to explain!
Scene shows typical
looking young Japanese boy in cartoon form, dressed in post nuclear
type space outfit, resembling some kind of Japan where Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were not stopped at by The United States during the second
world war, However in this one it is clear that the enemy is North
Korea! Boy speaks to camera in obvious Japanese(Sic):
“Greetings, I am
Hiroto, and this is my Sister Rin! Together we battle to save the
Earth from invasions from beyond the galaxy!”
Girl speaks:
“But sometimes,
the threat comes from within!”
“Yes, that is
true, Sarin Gas, is the biggest threat to our safety, however the
ways to deal with it are similar to some of the threats we have faced
from beyond the galaxy.”
“So, we are now
going to show you how to protect yourself from a Sarin Gas attack!”
Scene shows cartoon
gas canister, words come up in Japanese as Rin narrates:
Sarin gas is
odourless and colourless, that means it has no smell and no taste,
it also cannot be seen! Sarin gas attacks are sometimes not
recognised because of this, however mild symptoms include: Sweating,
and small pinpoint pupils, headache and excessive urinating and nasal
mucus, as well as diarrhea, plus abdominal pains and extreme high or
low heart rate and blood pressure! larger dosages can lead to
respiratory failure, Paralysis and death! If you believe you have
been affected by Sarin gas here are some steps you can take!
Scene cuts to
cartoon of suit next to cartoon of skirt and blouse, Rin continues to
1: Remove your
clothing as soon as possible. Do not pull over your head, instead cut
with any sharp objects to limit contact with the skin! Sarin can
remain on clothing for up to thirty minutes, do not let anyone touch
these clothes as they too may become contaminated!
2: Wash yourself
3: Alternatively if
nearby, seek medical treatment immediately!
4: If Sarin has
been swallowed, please refrain from vomiting yourself, or inducing
vomiting of stated victim, also make certain victim is given no
liquid! Again please seek medical advice immediately!
5: If you suspect a
Sarin attack is about to take place, get away from the area as soon
as possible and if you can please alert the authorities! Sarin is
heavier than air, therefore the threat is greater at low level area.,
Although if you believe you have the symptoms, even in a high rise
area, seek medical advice immediately!
6: Lock all doors
and windows to prevent further exposure to the gas, secure all
airways if possible and call for medical help immediately!
7: Antidotes to
effects caused by Sarin gas include: Atropine and Praidoxime these
can be purchased from emergency medical centres in the event of an
8: Sarin is known as
a nerve agent,, that means it is designed to kill humans, as well as
our alien friends who help us to protect the galaxy from invasions;
Atropine is a counter to nerve gas attacks and has to be administered
as soon as possible! Within thirty minutes to an hour, although
instantly is recommended!
9: Emergency numbers
in Japan are 119 for Fire and Ambulance. The Police can be reached on
110. If you are phoning from abroad the area code for Japan is:
01181 then your phone number remembering to not include the 0!. Most
Tokyo Operators can speak English! 119 can also be used to report
terrorist attacks!
Scene cuts to Hiroto
and Rin in a pointed space ship as if for tunneling: Hiroto, states:
“And now we must
continue to protect the galaxy, while you do your part at home!”
“Goodluck, Space Agents!”
Ship flies off to
the sound of cartoon theme tune.
Interview continues:
S.A: You wrote some
episodes for the cartoon series: Space, Battle For The Earth! Did you
have anything to do with the film explaining how to survive a Sarin
gas attack?”
H.H: “No, they did
not ask me for some reason!”
S.A: “Do you think
it is because of your political and religious views?”
H.H: “You'll have
to ask them, although I believe they wanted someone qualified on the
subject of Sarin gas! It was done with help from The Ministry Of
Health in Japan!
S.A: When people
look back at those old United States films made during the cold war
on how to survive a nuclear attack, they consider them very naive,
especially when you consider the devastating effects of a nuclear
bomb. Do you think we are being naive and also over confident about
dealing with the effects of a Sarin gas attack!”
H.H: I believe we
can never be too prepared! However I fear, that as North Korea
becomes more economically unstable, the situation is likely to get
much worse!
S.A: Hayata
Hashimoto, that is the first part of our interview, we will continue
the concluding part next time!
H.H: Thank you, I'm
looking forward to it!
Interview will
continue at appropriate intervals.
Article in China
North Korea Urges
China to Stand With Them Against Westernised Threat Against
By Su Li:
North Korea has
called on China for more financial assistance as it's economy
continues to struggle, and not to side with The United States! The
President of North Korea said that to do so could have worldwide
devastating results! The President of the United States and The Prime
minister of Britain have referred to this as a veiled threat of
desperation, and urged China to stand firm in the fight against state
sponsored terrorism!”
Hayato Hashimoto had
brought this copy of China Daily being curious about the article, and
also somewhat apprehensive, As a Science Fiction Writer in many ways
he considered himself similar to his favourite author H.G.Wells when
it came to guessing the future, although thankfully none of it had
come true, which was a good thing, since although he also wrote for a
children's cartoon series most of his novels were somewhat Dystopian,
even if good did finally triumph over evil! It had been almost a
month since the interview and the concluding part was in a few days!
He considered this as he drove towards the Atomic Bomb Museum where
he sometimes went to look around and even talk with friends he had
met there! People who had survived the nuclear attacks administered
during the second world war by The United States, as well as those
who had survived attacks by North Korea! The two had become somewhat
intwined and Japan's fears had somewhat returned!
It was also near his
Granddaughter's school. He sometimes took her there to look around,
and to go for ice-cream and cake whilst he told her stories, Some
true, some fiction, some both, though always with a thought provoking
meaning to guide her!
everyone should heed.! He stated, noticing up ahead that there
appeared to be people staggering about with what appeared to be vomit
coming out of there mouths, some were on the floor and he knew
immediately that it was another Sarin gas attack, launched by North
Korea in desperation to protect it's economic and political regime!
Uncertain as to what to do, and concerned about the safety of his
Granddaughter, he turned his car around to get out of harms way of
the gas, then pulling over to a curb, he dialed the school on his
mobile to inquire about the safety of his Granddaughter! There was
no answer, he tried two more times then concluded the school was not
going to respond, so having The Headmaster's mobile in case of
emergencies he dialed that, and stated: “Hello!
The Headmaster
recognised his voice and explained that the children and staff had
been evacuated and taken to the nearest hospital! Apparently there
had been no time to contact anyone, however the authorities were
doing that as soon as they got the chance!:
“Is anyone being
allowed to visit the hospital?”
“Well I'm there,
they gave me some Atropine, however there are people in radiation
suits and no one from the public has been seen!”
“Can you ask
“They're very
busy, I don't think they-, hold on!” Sir, excuse me, are any
families being allowed to visit””
There was an
impatient silence then the headmaster returned and stated:
“He said not yet,
in an hour's time perhaps if the hospital says it's safe!”
“And do you know
if the authorities have contacted the families yet, because I haven't
received any calls;
“I believe they
will contact them personally, however they'll probably phone back if
they don't get a response!”
“Thank you! I'm
going to see my Daughter and her husband now! If anything happens
please call my number and theirs as well!”
“Yes, I will,
don't worry?”
“Do you know what
state she or anyone is in?”
“They are not
giving out any information at the moment, however, if they do I'll
let you know!”
“Thank you,
Most of the
multistory blocks of flats in Nagasaki are white, they are built on
slopes and Nagasaki is renowned for its mountains and scenery, some
of it being built on the sight of the Atomic Bomb, however after all
these years, no signs remain, although there are places to visit such
as the Atomic War Museum so that people do not forget. Though now
other images had replaced them, images of the war with North Korea,
infact there was graffiti on some walls comparing those who died in
Sarin gas attacks to those who died in the atomic bomb! This however
did not spoil the scenic green grass covered mountains or the more
oriental looking roof tops amidst the more westernised looking
buildings. He stopped his car, it is usually quite difficult to do so
because of the slopes in Nagasaki though obviously not impossible!
Getting out of his car he made his way to the block of flats and ran
up till he got to the fifth floor, he then pressed the intercom and
Davids, Akeme, It's
me, there's been an attack at Li Su's school? Can I come in!
“Dad, wait a
minute!” stated his Daughter, before opening the door with her
husband next to her, his face showing concerns and instantly
recognisable as American, his wife wore a yellow dress and had her
black hair done up at the back, her eyes are brown ands her hair is
deemed glossy to match her rather attractive oriental appearance.
Her Father embraced
her, then shook hands with his son in law whilst half embracing him
with a reassuring pat on the back!”
“Has anyone phoned
you?” Inquired Hayata Hashimoto.
“No, stated David,
not yet!”
Interview reasumes.
Ongoing Pursuits
part two: Shota Akimaya concludes the interview with Science Fiction
Author and Campaigner for peace Hayata Hashimoto.
Shota Akimaya:
Hayata Hashimoto, thank you for agreeing to the concluding part of
this interview for Dimensions In Space And Time Magazine. It's been
a month since we last met, how is Li Su?”
Hayato Hashimoto:
“She's very well thank you, the gas attack was more in the economic
area so to speak, I think they were trying to effect us financially
because of China siding more and more with the Americans!”
S.A: “So, everyone
in the school's alright?”
H.H: “Yes, some
are still being kept in, however my Granddaughter was fortunate
enough to be allowed home!” After that is we we went out for what
she calls nice cake, with ice cream!”
S.A: And what is
H.H: Steamed Mango
Sponge cake with Anko! The ice cream was vanilla!
S.A: Very
traditional. Speaking of tradition, it is coming up to the time of
remembering the dropping of The Atomic Bomb, will this have any more
significance to you after what has recently occurred?”
H.H: Because of the
indirect attack at my Granddaughter's school, there will be a special
memorial service at the St. Mary's Cathedral Urikami.
S.A: This was
famous for being used as a target for the dropping of the atomic
bomb, ironically by an all Christian United States Air crew, how do
you feel about this?
H.H: I have
forgiven them long ago, just as I have forgiven those in North
S.A: Including
those who killed your Christian colleagues?”
H.H: “Yes”
S.A: There are those
who say the Japanese were, to put it bluntly sadistic and even acted
in an Anti-Christian way, that Christ would have disproved of, what
is your opinion of that?
H.H: I think they
are right, as a Christian I Abore all violence and I especially Abore
the misuse of my faith for wrongful personal gain!
S.A: There are those
who believe the Americans would not have used the bomb, if the
Japanese had not attack them, and that this was really used to show
their strength, by testing out their capability as part of The
Manhattan Project!
H.H: Well Roosevelt
did say our boys will not fight in any foreign wars, although I think
if no one fought at all, then we would have the world Christ wants us
all to have!
S.A: And as a
Science Fiction Author, can I ask you to do what H.G.Wells might have
done ,and prophesied what you think might be the outcome to this war?
H.H: I think we have
to realise that, condemnation whether you are right or wrong, never
solves a problem when dealing with an individual that is being forced
into a corner. In this case I refer to economic pressure and food
restrictions being forced on North Korea! Don't get me wrong, I am
opposed entirely to The North Korean Government and it's politics,
it's just that the more we force them into a corner, the more they
retaliate, we've not only had to deal with Sarin Gas attacks, but
acts of terrorism and even Suicide Bombers! I have spoken with my
Daughter's husband and he tells me everyone wants a solution before
things get worse!
S.A: And we end up
with perhaps Nuclear Weapons being used?
H.H: That is one of
my biggest fears, that and the safety of my family and everyone else!
S.A: And people can
Email you, or write to you if they have any concerns or want to get
in contact for any reasons?
H.H: Yes, And can I
also say, that all are welcome to give their support, provided it is
in the name of peaceful protest!
S.A: You may; Hayata
Hashimoto thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by me for
Dimensions In Space And Time, Science Fiction Magazine!
H.H: You're all very
welcome, it was most interesting!
Hayata Hashimoto
will be giving a speech on behalf of all victims of wars and acts of
terrorism at The Hiroshima Peace Memorial next month, you can contact
him or this magazine for further