Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Cost Of The Show

He hated the winter months, it usually meant he had to put on his coat and go round to one of their rundown flats in the east end and tell whoever was responsible that, immediate action would be taken if payment was not forthcoming! The advertisement frequenting the usual tabloids read:


Timothy Ackroyd
Mobile phone number supplied:

Was usually not clearly scrutinized by those in dire straits or other means of desperation until the truth began to emerge, and by then it was usually too late.
Timothy walked up the steps of the building whose lift still remained broken, despite the fact the local council were praising their selves over local successes in connection with the local elections.

Don’t do any good!” He muttered to himself, remembering his life as a child in the rundown slums of the East End until he found a way out through use of criminal errands, rather than moral employment. He pressed the intercom and stated with authoritarian intimidation:

Mr. Richards, its NEEDALOAN.” “Your payment is overdue, I need to talk to you and your wife, if you don’t let me in things will only get worse!”

There was a pause, perhaps even neighbours looking up or peering through windows, this was the kind of area he had hated living in and had not achieved any empathy towards the people that still suffered its authority. However he knew that Mr. and Mrs. Richards were a broken elderly couple whom like all his clients gave in after the use of violent intimidation! And so feebly in more ways than confirmed, Mr. Richards opened the door by removing the door chain and turning as if trudging away in thought stated:

You better come in!”


Inside the moderate flat with its somewhat working class Seventies decorum, along with a new set of Dining Chairs and table no doubt purchased from the loan, Mrs. Richards was seated in her armchair nearest the television. Her hair white and her arms reddened and thin, due to the stress and under nourishment the increased payments had caused along with her arthritis. Even the new purchases mentioned seemed distant rather than surreal, and now they both wished now they had never answered the advertisement, because they knew what was coming next, though the last dice throw of a feeble protest was still in order:

We can’t pay you any more!” “She began, her face tearful and her voice going almost into illegible pitch. “We can’t keep up with these increases; we’ll pay you what we can!”. “We’re honest people, we won’t let you down!”

Timothy knew this and of course he did not care, because Money Lenders always put up their interest rates so they are not repayable, because they don’t want to lose their clients until they have taken everything from them, and therefore although the protest was logical it was not to be acknowledged:
I’m sorry, but you’re both too far in debt.” “That is why I’m sending in the bailiffs unless you can come up with the payments this afternoon at three, I’ll phone you then!” “I’ll see myself out!”

Mr. and Mrs. Richards glanced at their home as they watched him leave thankful that they still had each other.

Timothy of course only cared about business, and naturally his wife, whom he had met whilst working as a heavy for more immoral members of the criminal fraternity. She was nothing more than a gangsters mole, pretty, yet now in her early fifties she had grown into something of a east end caricature, slightly over weight with too much make up they could usually be seen in certain areas mixing with certain people, some who he ironically employed as bailiffs if ironically is the right word.
Timothy was a few years younger than his wife, and who had caught who and who needed who seemed irrelevant! They were both the same, addicted to greed and its immaturities; this was no doubt proven when he came home and entering the door with a key. Called out

I’m, home.” He entered the posh Dining room where his wife sat on the settee holding a remote control and watching the new satellite station Future Tell.” He kissed the side of her face and said:

They can’t pay, I told them I’ll call back at three and if they haven’t got the money I’ll send in the bailiffs, “Even if they do come up with it I’ll still increase the payments, “You know me, “He smiled” I’m never one to let matters go ;
It’s their own thought isn’t it!?” Said his wife, remembering how her time in the East End had made her unsympathetic to the plight of others, rather than empathic to those who had suffered as she herself once had. “These people are filth, with their money grabbing fingers and want of a quick buck; we should take them for all we can get;

Timothy did not reply, not only because he was already in full agreement but because he was curious at the advertisements for new shows coming up usually from the States.

Can we upgrade?” She inquired, her hand poised on the control in a somewhat bored yet critical manner.
Whatever you want” he smiled, “Listen I’ve got to make a few phone calls, tell the bailiffs to stand by I’ll be in the spare room if you want anything!”

He took out his mobile and left. As if simultaneously his wife turned over the television and noticed something she had not seen before! “a young couple in their early twenties and for some reason recognizable as Americans, seemed to be lost amidst swirling white smoke amidst a film noir type series alleyways, as if this was some colour remake of a 1930’s Private Detective film. “She watched it and concluded to herself:
Must be some new American cop show”

However as she watched more intriguingly the scene introduced a shadowy silhouette of a man medium height within a deserted alleyway.

Can you help us please?” inquired the young man nervously holding his wife’s hand as this would become clear, “We’re looking for bargains!”

The figure seemed to savor the moment’s tension then replied:

So you want bargains?” “You’re a young married couple and your looking for the top sales money can buy-“

There was a yellow illuminating light. The silhouetted figure now stood clarified wearing a silver sequined suit, white shirt and red bow tie, He had short black hair with faded white and a craggy face and black rimmed glasses, he looked like someone out of a Hollywood Gangster film, though somewhat reinvented”
Come with me, this way, down the alley, past the corridors, past the entrance door”

This had a silver dressing room Star, the camera followed yet the introductory couple were no longer to be seen since they had played their part, “To-, “The Bargain Basement”
Cut to American audience clapping and going hysterical and Elaine Ackroyd concluding in commiseration out; loud:

Oh great, another Home Shopping Channel, might be worth a look, see how stupid these people act-“

Hi Audience!” Stated the host his microphone clipped to his lapel of his shirt so he could apparently seem more natural as he moved around”
Hi Chuck!”

The name Chuck Wayland came up on screen and Elaine seemed to notice a slight shot of light as it did so though she put this down to television interference”

Chuck Wayland made his way over to a man in his thirties wearing a white shirt, and black trousers and a blue jumper as if this made him more trustworthy than casual. He was standing in front of a demonstration table with a blender the name:

Al Cavelli appeared underneath; despite this the man spoke with a broad Chicago accent rather than an Italian one.

Hi Chuck, Let me show you and your audience here and at home, this new blender that in the shops would set you back over one hundred dollars and I’m offering it for ninety six., let me give you a demonstration”

Whilst her husband attended to business she watched a typical demonstration of, whisking eggs, and slicing vegetables, and of course detaching the bowl and cleaning it out with a spatula, also included in the price.

All this for ninety six dollars do we have a deal audience?” Exclaimed Al Cavelli now sounding as if he was going to burst into song in a Frank Sinatra Movie.
I don’t know Al? Stated Chuck as part of this shill double act, “What do you think audience “Is it a bargain?”

They apparently had buzzers. A commiserating horn type sound heard on quizzes when contestants answer questions wrongly, confirmed their automated response.

I’m sorry Al, stated Chuck putting an arm around his friend as if he had blown the chance to win a car, “You know I’m afraid they do have a point!” Can you perhaps do better?”

As if taking his cue, as he had no doubt done when working the streets doing Find the Lady or any other game that took money from gullible people, he began to add on extras!

First a set of four white ramekins/ Soufflé dishes with the emphasis on the word soufflé because of the eggs /egg whites demonstration, followed by a spring cake tin. Turning to his partner in crime he stated: “And these are free at no extra cost”
For some reason Elaine’s instincts told her not to believe this however this was soon to be irrelevant”

Well let’s ask them shall we?” Began Chuck turning with a look of Game Show Sincerity on his face, “Do we have a bargain?”

This time the noise from the buzzers was more positive, and cries of “Yes!” and “We do!” was heard to back up the statement and dispense any doubt:
Then with a loud American type shout Chuck Wayland stated, what was obviously his catchphrase:
IT’S A BARGAIN!!! “And if you want a bargain, and guys don’t forget if you wanna impress your lady, then Cheryl is on tonight at nine with some fabulous jewelry that will really impress, “And remember we’re called The Bargain Basement because we offer top goods at generously reduced prices, I mean in this time of recession we all gotta save so be smart!” “Know a bargain when you see one”
Another catchphrase no doubt” stated Elaine to herself.

We’ll be back after these advertisements don’t go away!” Exclaimed Chuck Wayland.

A star appeared, the kind used in old TV Black and White 1950’s advertising, followed by clean cut housewives selling stuff for the American dream “from the husband’s point of view of course” except this star was in bright yellow, it swirled and created debatable patterns that had gone along with other things into her subconscious, and now for some reason she had an overwhelming desire to pick up the phone and make a purchase! But of course this show was being broadcasted from The United States Of America and she was in the more up market part of the East End of London, where councils had tried to entice those in the city in some cases at the expense of local residents due to increased house prices and other financial activities” Elaine felt a mixture of relief and disappointment, one perhaps more than the other,
Then after a series of advertisements of well known brands, and a young woman telling her same age female neighbour why she can afford all this stuff when they both have the same income and her friend can’t “The bargain basement” Chuck Wayland appeared amidst a swirl of Las Vegas type dancing girls, all blonde and ditsy, swirling around in orange and white dresses, looking like something sinister. Chuck was led on with a girl on each arm then they all dispersed as if he was about to tell jokes, however the matter was going to get far more serious:

And don’t forget, if you don’t live in the states then don’t worry!” “We have branches all over the place, so if you live in China, or Spain, Or even Europe, then phone one of these numbers and you too can purchase a bargain!”

Where’s England’s number?” began Elaine moving closer to the television screen, She went over to the dresser that had her husband’s pen and log book on it, and doubled as a cocktail cabinet. Taking up both that were near a decanter of expensive brandy,, she stared transfixed and wrote down the number. Then picking up the white phone also on the dresser, she dialed the number and an English woman in her twenties and probably blonde stated:

Good evening your through to Amy, welcome to The British Section of The Bargain Basement, do you have an order?”

A strange thing occurred, the type of thing usually praised as a memory feat on quiz shows, yet this was more the work of her own prompted subconscious: Elaine reeled off a list of things she wanted to buy, “Some she couldn’t remember seeing.” And then the woman replied:

And do you have a credit card?”

She and her husband had a joint account, for some dubious legal precaution advised by his Lawyers for some reason, though for some reason she considered that statement irrelevant!
Yes, she began picking it up also from the dresser and holding it near the light of the window, “She then read out the details”

Thank you Mrs.Ackroyd!” “Your orders will be with you in five working days!” “Do you have a mobile we can call you on in case of any reason?”

This time she felt it sufficient to give her own mobile number rather than her husband’s, although it was too late to make any difference to their situation”
Thank for choosing to shop with The Bargain Basement, have a nice day” Stated the young English woman and Elaine heard the phone click out of existence?
Somewhat confused she poured herself a brandy and with hands trembling, though not clearly knowing why, she sat back down as her husband came in, just as another set of advertisements were beginning!

You get that a lot on American television” he stated.

One was not however for purchases; it was from a program on The History Channel about Prohibition in the 1920,s! it showed two men in suits and hats using axes to smash a barrel of illegal alcohol with the male voice over stating:”

Tonight on The History Channel, we look back at how greed and ambition for individual; social success was exploited by unscrupulous means!” “And how the men of The FBI sought to tackle this ever increasing problem, that some say is still very active, although in many different forms!”

Timothy did not seem to notice what his wife had done, and therefore allowed her to continue watching whilst he went back into the spare room, this time to check on some paperwork before the bailiffs he employed, “who were merely heavies with criminal records” phoned him to verify the situation. However the call came through quicker than he expected, “Hello Timothy.” stated the first who appeared to be calling from a phone box directly opposite the flats where Mr and Mrs. Richards lived, “There’s a lot of Police and an ambulance outside, there’s a cordon and they appear to be bringing out two bodies on stretchers”

Is Patrick with you Graham? Inquired Timothy, more curious than concerned”
Hold on I think he’s coming over!” “He seems to have been talking to some of the residents”
Timothy soon learned from his two henchmen that Mr and Mrs. Richards had gassed their selves because they could not keep up the payments, “I think we may have to back off a bit on the intimidation” stated Patrick-“

Hold on I give the orders, I’ll tell you when to back off!” Anyway this will probably show we have to be taken seriously, “Look I’ll call you back”
Timothy Ackroyd turned to leave when it rang again. Thinking one of the two bailiffs was phoning with some more information, he instinctively answered his mobile and heard the same woman his wife had spoken to stating:

Hello Mrs. Ackroyd!” “It’s The Bargain Basement Delivery Store, thank you for placing your orders the total comes to five hundred pounds, your order will be with you as stated. “We just phoned to confirm that-“

Hold on who is this?” “How did you get my mobile number?” “What you mean orders, my wife hasn’t ordered anything;

I’m afraid that’s not true Sir, and I’m sorry for phoning the wrong number by mistake, however we have your wife’s credit details-“

Is this some kind of a joke? “Who are you?”
We are the British Section of The Bargain Basement, the new improved value for money Home Shopping Channel!”

Wait there” stated Timothy, going into the Dining room to confront his wife, “Elaine did you place any orders with something called The Bargain Basement?”

I think so.” “Yes I purchased a blender and some other stuff, though for some reason I can’t remember entirely what exactly”

Well I can tell you it comes to exactly five hundred pounds!” “Look you know it’s not the money but I would like to have been informed, I mean we do have a joint account”

I’m sorry” she stated as if somehow confused.

Timothy spoke to the woman on the phone telling her it was alright, and then he turned off his mobile and stated:

We may have to increase our interest or get the payments somewhere else!”

What you mean?” Inquired his wife now watching a program about how shopping centers try to entice customers by putting goods in certain positions, especially confectionary near the check out counter”

Mr and Mrs.Richrards are dead, I just had a call from Patrick, they’ve committed suicide, gassed their selves”

That’s not our problem is it?” she inquired with a hint of concern, though for her and Timothy rather than Mr and Mrs. Richards.

Well Patrick said we may have to lay off the pressure, but you know how worried he gets when there’s any real pressure-““What exactly did you order?” He inquired

I can’t entirely remember!” She stated somewhat confused.

Timothy became somewhat concerned, something strange appeared to be occurring and he inquired somewhat apprehensively:

Did you give them my mobile phone number?”

Why would I do that, I didn’t use a mobile”

Then how did you call them?”

On the main phone”

Something’s not right here!” He muttered, going out the room.

Timothy went back into the spare room and phoned Patrick on his mobile. He was still at the scene with his colleague, although they were thinking of leaving because of the Police presence and the fact they were getting some suspicious looks..

I need you to find out what you can about something called The Bargain Basement!” It’s an Home shopping Channel on Future Tell and probably some other satellite television stations!” “Why?” “Because they’ve got hold of my bloody mobile number and I don’t like what’s going on!”

Patrick agreed and Timothy went back to speak to his wife. He was surprisingly empathic, or perhaps he just didn’t think he’d get the answers he wanted, and so he waited. knowing that the next day when his two colleagues arrived he would have the answers from them.
There was something strange about the way his wife seemed! Her desire to watch the station, even though he sat with her and insisted they watch other programs, this was bordering on addiction!

He was pleased to say the least when he received a phone call from Patrick in the morning saying he had the information, and that he and Graham were coming over. And that to say the least he found it disturbing!
Timothy thanked him and replaced the phone. “His wife was still asleep; somehow the activity whatever it was had affected her. And now he was looking at the wires that provided their satellite connection. All of a sudden taking the initiative he phoned the Future Tell customer service line. After giving him and his wife’s customer service number he stated to the woman on the other end of the phone:

Er, I’d like to cancel The Bargain Basement”

I’m sorry Mr Ackroyd, She stated. “I’m afraid we cannot do that;

Why not?”

It’s a free channel, not part of the package!”

Yeah well we don’t want it; I mean what if we just go to basic!”

You’ll still receive it.”

Alright I want to stop the service.” “Call your engineers, tell them we’re canceling our subscription!”

Just a moment Sir”
There was a typing sound and then:

I’m Sorry Mr Ackroyd, we cannot do that at the moment-“

Why not?

Because your wife is in a contract with The Bargain Basement for goods provisionally purchased not yet paid for!”

Well what’s that got to fucking do with it?” He inquired frustratingly.

We cannot interfere with the contract!” “I’m afraid we will not be able to remove your satellite dish, or cancel you or your wife’s subscription!” “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

He slammed down the phone without answering though in a way it was clear he had.
The intercom sounded and nervously for some reason Timothy Ackroyd went and inquired “Who is it?”

It’s Graham and Patrick” stated Graham.

Timothy let them both in. Patrick stood holding a DVD disc in his hand as if it was incriminating evidence, “I recorded the program yesterday, I think there’s something you should see!” “Put it into the recorder and I’ll show you what I mean!”
Timothy went through into the dining room with the disc Patrick had given him, and did what he was told, whilst his wife waited on the settee watching some documentary about people trying to cope during the recession”

Ay I was watching that” she said.

This won’t take a minute Elaine!” Stated Timothy, “Alright, what do I do next?” He inquired of Patrick

Play the tape forward but at slow speed:!” Stated Patrick.

Timothy did this and began to watch Chuck Wayland, then, when the advertisement break started and the lights type images appeared! He noticed there were pictures somehow caught in the lights, as if of two tapes mixed together, and now he could see words stating:


It’s called subliminal brainwashing” said Patrick “They show you an image very quickly and it goes into your subconscious, because your eye only notices it for a second it’s implanted on your brain so to speak.” “I done some research and spoke with some of the old guys, “You know the retired lags who used to hang around with the Americans during that era!” “Chuck Wayland was a small time entertainer who was always trying to make it big, he had Mafia connections though not as big as some of Hollywood’s Entertainers if you get what I mean,” “So he had to make do with playing The Las Vegas Circuit when he wasn’t acting as look out in the places where they couldn’t bribe the cops, “For years he sort of faded, now he’s back and respectable, or so it seems”.

Yeah well not for long; Stated Timothy, “When I make copies of this disc I’ll expose these people for who they are, I’ll teach them to try and get one over on us!”

So what you want us to do?” Inquired Patrick/

Well you can both wait here!” “I have to go to the Bank and make a withdrawal, it won’t take a moment!”

Timothy looked at his wife who seemed mesmerized by the television, it was as if she was suffering from some kind of withdrawal symptoms waiting for her program to come on, even though he knew the only thing on was the subliminal brainwashing tape! He hoped it would make her understand!
Timothy left, he was unaware of the telephone van with the two engineers apparently tapping into his phone line, or indeed if he did notice the van marked Future Tell he seemed oblivious to their true motives! None the less he still had his own causes for suspicions. As he crossed the road and inserted his credit card into the cash machine directly outside his bank, he decided to check his account and to his surprise received a Zero Balance”

What the-?”

Timothy went into the Bank. Fortunately it was empty. He went over to the young woman in a black skirt and jacket with crisp white blouse. She had blonde hair and was slightly overweight. Although still attractive with matching earrings. He inquired:
Could you check this card please, I think there’s something wrong with it?”

The woman checked it in her machine and Stated:

It seems alright to me Mr Ackroyd, this is a joint account for you and your wife I believe!”

Yes that is correct,. Then fearing the worst he inquired:” Can you tell me the balance?”

The balance on the account is zero!”

No, hang on that can’t be right!” “Can you check anything?”

The woman tapped at her computer screen then exclaimed:

Ah here it is, a payment was made to The Bargain Basement for refusal to make payment on certain goods purchased over others!”

Well can’t you cancel it?” He inquired trying not to sound hysterical though seemingly about to give that impression, “I mean who do these people think they are?” “I want my money put back in my account!”, “It’s my money!”
Well actually it’s you and your wife’s money Mr Ackroyd, and I’m afraid we cannot put it back into your account because it’s been withdrawn!”

I want to speak with whoever’s in charge!”

Sir, everyone one is on their lunch break!” “Now please keep calm or I will have to ask you to leave!”

You’re working for them aren’t you you fucking bitch your in on it!” “Well I have evidence, you hear me!” “And I’ll go to the Police.”

Timothy stormed out as the woman picked up the phone/….”
He did not go to the Police, not yet anyway, if indeed that was his full committed intention. Instead he went back home and slinging his credit card on the table stated:
They’ve cleared us out” “Bastards have taken money from our joint account!” He noticed the concerned look on Patrick’s face and inquired:

What’s wrong?”

Both men were seated in chairs though opposite each other, it was Graham who answered as he seemed to glance at the phone continuously:

Timothy we got a phone call from the Police!”, “First of \all due to an inquiry into the apparent joint suicides of Mr and Mrs. Richards, your license to lend money has been suspended!” “And there was a coded bomb warning telling everyone who works at NEEDALOAN OFFICE to vacate the premises, five minutes later a bomb blew the building to bits!” “Fortunately no on was hurt!”

Who do these bastards think they are?” “Get the staff, I want to talk to the staff-“
I’m sorry but we were told it would be best if you did not, until matters concerning financial matters were resolved!”

They’re doing this to me!” He stated, “This bloody American Bargain rip off!” “Well I’ll show them; “Listen do we still have that bent copper working for us, I mean is he still on our payroll?”

Timothy, I’m frightened “began Elaine, “We, we can get the money, I don’t want anything to happen to you!”
Look nothing’s going to happen Elaine!” He exclaimed going over and removing the disc! “We’ve got the evidence!” “These people are crooks, all we have to do is go to the Police and we’ve got them”

Elaine had the kind of unconvinced look he had experienced when he tried to fool more astute clients; however he gave his most reassuring smile and gave Patrick the disc! He watched them leave then stated as he held his wife’s hands with both his:

Elaine, I’m going to disconnect the Satellite cable connection, we can’t trust these people they’re trying to control our minds!”

Elaine watched her husband as he disconnected the cable from the DVD player and television, then a strange thing happened, the words:

He picked up the control and began to frantically change the channels as if it gave him an illusion of control, it was on all stations!

Who do these people think they are trying to control our lives, they’ve got no right to intimidate us?”

His colleagues were on their way to the Police Station, and because it was not in the area they had to travel on the main road, they appeared to be unaware of The van marked Future Tell coming upward at the right side a Truck coming towards them in the opposite direction, “Patrick signaled to the driver of the truck and he swerved almost expertly as if obeying his part. Then the Future Tell Van struck the side of Patrick’s car_”
A few minutes later Timothy received a phone call, he picked it up and inquired:


Hello Mr Ackroyd!” Said the woman from Future Tell called Amy whom he had spoken to earlier, “I’m afraid there’s been a terrible accident on the main road, your two colleagues have been killed!” “Would you care to accept a phone call?”

Yes” he said, somewhat deflated.
There was a silence and then he heard a heavy accented Chicago New York voice state:

Hello Mr Ackroyd.” “This is Chuck Wayland, I believe we need to meet up, “We’d like you and your wife to come to our London Studio, we can arrange for a limousine to pick you both up this evening at 7:30 if that’s alright with you both?”

And what if we refuse? He said, trying to sound intimidating which for once wasn’t working.

I think it would be wise for you both to cope, especially under your circumstances,”I don’t think you fully realize who you’re dealing with! Stated Chuck, trying to sound emphatic as opposed to intimidating.

Timothy Ackroyd. self made businessman which in his case was a euphemism for money lender, loan shark, crook-, “Studied the parasitical hedonistic home other people had paid for, and with a plan, agreed to Chuck Wayland’s demands:

Excellent. We’ll see you at 7:30!”.”Oh and I’m sorry about your two colleagues!” “The Police say their car must have veered out of control, though I assure you you and you’re wife will have a safe journey, “Well I have to go now!” “That’s Show Bossiness as they say.” “Goodbye”

Timothy waited until the phone was clicked out of existence because he feared he was being listened into, then as if still suspicious he muttered softly: “You will be mate, when I go on the air and tell everyone what a bunch of bloody psychopaths you all are, I have friends, don’t think you’re getting away with this any of you;

Timothy and Elaine sat quietly not watching television, or even listening to music on their CD Player or even listening to the radi,, If there was any irony in what they were facing they neither saw it, instead they chose to be comforted by their own selfishness and naivety! They did however watch the clock on the mantelpiece and were distracted at 7:30 by a phone call!

It’s them” said his wife, “I know it is;

Timothy picked up the phone and sounded somewhat frantic which was the truth, though he had wanted to continue his aura of confidence: “Hello.” Who is this?”

Ah Mr. and Mrs.Ackroyd’s residence I assume, began an LA sounding voice that although not English did show signs of a well to do education!, This is Carlton, Sir, I’m you’re Chauffer I’m outside your house, “I’ve come to take you both to the studio!”

Hold on” stated Timothy and put the phone on the table leaving it off the hook and going to the window to check, There standing next to an expensive looking Silver Limousine famous in Hollywood and in some cases quiz Shows, was a smartly dressed 36 year old American Chauffer with a somewhat warm welcoming smile, he waved palm up to indicate he was ready!
Timothy was not even though he tried to convince himself he was, and the fact he had been seen meant of course that they had no choice but to go through with it, “Whatever it was”

Come on” stated Timothy to his wife after replacing the phone without making a confirmation to the Chauffer, “Let’s get this over with”
Timothy please I’m frightened!” “Can’t we just say I’m not well?” “I don’t trust these people I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen!”

Look, Elaine, they’ve taken away my job and our money, if we back out now they probably will kill us!” “Now listen to me, when I get on that show I’m going to exposé them!” “We, We can’t be the only people they’ve done this too, there must be others, all it takes is for someone to speak out!”

This time when his wife looked at him she did see the irony when she thought of the people who had gotten in debt and tried to stand up to them! However she agreed and they both went outside to meet the Chauffer who shook hands with them both automatically. He then told them to wait a moment whilst he got a couple of items from the dashboard!

Americanism” muttered Timothy trying to sound in control”

Elaine was more shocked than her husband to see two eye-masks with no slits, the kind favoured in quiz shows brought on by blondes in silver sequin leotards, and worn by contestants about to be asked a series of questions. however Elaine feared for their safety and had a question of her own;

Why do we need to wear these?” she exclaimed trying to make it sound more like a plea than a protest”

The location is a closely guarded secret” exclaimed Carlton handing them their blindfolds “You’d be wise to cooperate!”

Reluctantly they both agreed,

In the back of the limousine whilst listening to The Pastoral Suite for some obscure reason, perhaps to subdue them?! Timothy Ackroyd an East end lad who knew the turnings like the back of his hand, listened for sounds and familiar smells of shops, such as takeaways and Restaurants and Bakers, anything that would allow him to give a description to the Police when the time come, He was however thrown from his confidence when the car being driven by the Chauffer seemed to be rolling somewhat downward. For a moment both Timothy and Elaine had the impression that they were going over a precipice or somehow being driven into the river. However the Limousine regained it’s correct position, yet now there were no sounds of other cars or even people, instead all they could hear in the distance was a recording of Chuck Wayland transmitting an episode of The Bargain Basement.

We’re here” stated Carlton, “You can remove you’re blindfolds now”

Quickly Timothy and Elaine did so and were shocked to see their selves surrounded by silver type steel walls, it was now clear that somehow the road had opened up and they had driven through a secret tunnel that only few people got to know about!

Soon everyone will, then you’ll are be finished”! Said Timothy in thought as he and his wife got out the car. an attractive blonde female make up artist appeared and shook hands with them both”

Hello you must be Elaine.” she concluded, “You have to come with me please!””Er will you show Mr.Ackroyd through to Mr Wayland’s Room, he said he would like to speak with him!”

No, I want my husband with me, do you understand?” She screamed raising her voice in the obviously soundproof secret underground room, “I want Timothy with me”

Timothy Ackroyd was allowed to embrace his wife in reassurance and kiss the side of her face, he then whispered in her ear as softly and as clarified as he dared:

Do as they say, I’ll get us out of this, I promise.”

With a tearful smile Elaine agreed and went with the make up artist whilst Timothy went with Carlton. Fortunately for a while they walked together though remained in thought and did not speak, then before any of them could say anything they were propelled down different corridors to face their interrogators! Or so they considered.
Timothy now stood outside a Hollywood type dressing room with a silver star with the name Chuck Wayland on it. Timothy waited whilst Carlton knocked discretely as if this was Las Vegas and Chuck Wayland was about to go on, “Still amounts to a con” thought Timothy to himself as he felt a sense of isolation and began wondering how his wife was.
The door opened and Chuck Wayland remained seated with a towel around him as a different make up artist, this one a woman with black hair applied the finishing touches before leaving, smiling courteously at Timothy as she did so.

Mr. Ackroyd to see you as you instructed Mr.Wayland.” “Would you like me to remain?”

No it’s alright Carlton, You can leave us, “I think Mr.Ackroyd knows the score, and I believe we do owe him an explanation!”.

Very good Mr.Wayland” Stated Carlton and then replied “Goodbye Mr.Ackroyd” and left. Shutting the dressing room door.
Immediately Chuck Wayland turned round, and removing his towel and placing it on a spare chair that just happened to be next to his swivel chair, began his explanation:

Let me tell you how all this Started Mr.Ackroyd, like you I was also born into poverty or to be more exact my Father was.” “He started off in Chicago for the mob working in the prohibition racket and keeping a look out for that dumb jerk Elliot Ness,then when Prohibition became legalized it was clear we had to find a another way to get people hooked!” “Of course there was always drugs but that never very much appealed to him , I mean it’s so stigmatized and he wanted to present a more family element, “If you get my point” “So that left consumerism, people wanted stuff and they wanted a bargain, so when I took over we did our research and found that there were shall we say, subtle forms of enticement to encourage people to become hooked on materialism!” “In a way the legalizing of prohibition worked in our favour, because now that people could drink openly and socialize they also wanted to impress their friends in other ways, New appliances for the home, new Jewelry, new clothes, anything that made them feel accepted by increasing their social status,!” “However we decided to increase their desires in a more direct way so to speak”

Subliminal Brainwashing” stated Timothy as if threatening to expose the truth though he probably didn’t really think it would cause Chuck Wayland to back off!

You can use that term and you’d be right, but don’t think it hasn’t been used in other more subtle forms, why’d you think shopping centers put sweets near the check out or have freshly baked smelling bread, or buy one get one free offers, and do you really believe all that crap about lotions and drinking the right beer making you irresistible to women?” “No, it’s all lies, it’s all part of the same advertising plan we had under prohibition, but this is much more addictive.” “This is the future of the world we live in,!” “Control of the individual through addiction to merchandise and consumerism!” “We are not some cheap outfit like the one you used to run Mr.Ackroyd, we have Senators, Businessmen and other authority figures including well known celebrities and high ranking officials from all over the world, including Police Officers working for us!” “Oh some by choice but others are addicted to our products!” “Our exploitation of third world employees and the need to remain in status, “Despite the collapse of the banks and the recession.” “And soon when the time comes we will go public, and then people will know that it is us who call the shots and not the politicians, or their rich friends who fund their election”

The door opened and the woman who had been with Elaine smiled and said, “The show’s about to start Mr.Wayland can I take Mr.Ackroyd to make up now?”

Where’s my wife?” he screamed, “Where is she, what have you done with her?”

Your wife is fine” stated the make up artist, “Please come with me, you will soon be together I assure you!”

Timothy expelled all thoughts of physical confrontation, even though he could easily have taken both Chuck Wayland and this woman, he knew it would not be a good move because of what they might do to both him and his wife if he did not cooperate! So he went with her past white pristine corridors, the smell of cleanliness and the sound of insane mumbling and laughter far different from the kind usually found on light entertainment shows of this kind made him apprehensive. Though what really unnerved him was the men and women dressed in white, they reminded him of medical doctors, with the women in blouses and skirts and the men in trousers and thin top jumpers and matching white coats though all that mattered now was him and his wife getting out of this place and going to the police!

Chuck Waylabnd came on the stage amidst dancing girls, messed about in a dancing manner a little bit then began by stating:

Ladies and Gentlemen: welcome to The Bargain Basement and as you will know we always like to welcome new members to ask them how things are going, so who do we have with us today?”

The neon light showed Timothy Ackroyd’s name in green like a traffic road sign rather than an Hollywood introduction as intended, however Chuck Wayland’s announcement:

It’s our newest member Timothy Ackroyd” more than made up for it, and as if on cue the audience clapped as one of the dancing girls in a silver sequined leotard brought Timothy on holding his arm and smiling for the benefit of the people obliviously watching!

So Timothy, began Chuck Wayland putting an arm round Timothy’s shoulder as the woman smiled at the cameras and left, “Can you tell us how you came to discover The Bargain Basement?”
The audience, it was so dark. why couldn’t he see the audience?
Yes, I usually have this affect on people that’s why my wife chooses to ignore me!” “Just kidding darling if you’re watching, and if you’re not then-,”No seriously, Timothy welcome to the show, are you nervous?”
A bit”
Well don’t be!” “Tell us how you found out all about us?”

No one would believe him now, not the way he was acting, all he had to do was find Elaine and get out. “My wife discovered it, she’s a big fan, infact she came here with me but we appear to have got separated,. I think she might be in the audience!” He stated hoping this would somehow up his hand!

Well let’s see shall we?” Exclaimed Chuck Wayland,, “It appears to be a bit unclear from where I’m standing, can we have the lights up please?”

Whatever sight he was expecting it was not this one. The entire audience were strapped into chairs with wires protruding from their heads and chests as they moved spasmodically like patients in some state mental hospital, though what really horrified him was the TV Screen that had showed him and Chuck Wayland now showing a normal audience, this one no doubt being broadcasted so that people at home did not realize the truth about this place that they not only took your money they took everything perhaps even your soul! The audience seemed to be laughing at him the way the kids in school used to laugh at him when he was a child and his family was impoverished, before he found a way out and that is what he needed! Timothy broke into a run not caring what anyone thought. He ran down the white pristine corridors hearing screams as he raced towards the entrance and out into the street only to be faced with a huge cage filled with people marked STUDIO AUDIENCE. inside was his wife reaching out through the bars with other screaming hysterical people who now realized what they had become involved with. and that for them as for him there was to be no escape. Suddenly he felt his arms being grabbed by two men in white outfits he had seen earlier and as he felt a gentle pinprick stab into his arm he became giddy, and as they forced him into the cage amidst the screaming hysteria of his wife and those who were also trapped in the want of consumerism, he knew he had finally lost everything he had owned, this being the price some people have to pay