Thursday 10 January 2019

Bland Logic

Sometimes he felt strange, seated alone in the phone in studio, waiting for their calls, wondering what he would say to give reassurance to those whom needed advice. Before it was easy, almost as if he had memorised a script, like it was some miniature chip within his brain, activated to correspond to whatever advice his callers needed. However the questions were getting more debatable. He knew that despite what was now happening, for once he did not seem to have all the answers.

This is NightCalls, My name is Alan Babbage. We're discussing how people react to different problems. And what part logic plays when your under stress; “Whom do we have on line seven?

The man in the News booth stated that, “We have Charles on line seven, who wants to talk about the war.”

Alright, put him through, go ahead Charles your through to NightCalls what do you have to say?”

Well first of all, I'd like to say that, my son was killed in the war-”

I'm sorry to hear that!”

There was a silence so the phone in presenter continued by stating:

Do you want to elaborate on what happened? Please take yourb time and tell us in your own words how you are feeling!

Alright I'll tell you, because it ties in with what your talking about when it comes to how people react, or rather how they are programed to react!”

Please go on!”

Well my Son was a Fighter Pilot. He was shot down, his plane exploded before it even landed according to Army Reports! However what I want to say is, you sit behind your desk, taking our calls for advice and, after a while it all seems like a set of quick response answers, you know, if a guy wants to date a girl tell him to dress smart and pluck up courage to talk to her. If your being picked on, then learn to be more assertive, if your having problems at work or home with your job or marriage then try and understand the other person's point of view, learn to empathise! Except people don; t empathise, unless to their selves by lying!

He seemed emotional, however the phone in Presenter knew it was best to allow his callers to express their selves when they phoned in with their problems,

I'll give you an example, my Son and all those who risked their lives, “with many of them being killed” knew they were going out to fight with real human beings, whilst our leaders chose to sit behind a desk with their Croupier type sticks, moving military toys, such as tanks and planes and soldiers, so that it reduced human beings to inanimate objects, far lesser than machines. Something we both understand! And all that matters is the outcome, not the effects it has on people,, or their families, merely a bland logic response!

Charles tried to remain calm whilst stating,:

I mean sometimes you get turned down on a date. And when you try to stand up for yourself it doesn't always work out the way you wanted. And when you try to solve a situation using bland logic people don't always take your advice! When the peace talks broke down that's when the only irrational response came into place, and that's when things got out of hand, and I'd just like to say, why didn't they listen to you? I mean isn't that why you're here? Isn't that what you were given the job for, to make us think logically, so that we'd reach a solution? I would just like to know what went wrong?

Well, I suppose in theory anyone can be logical, it's just that when emotion, fear and prejudice get in the way, all of the intelligent arguments go out the window. And fear causes those in question to try and find a solution that will solve the problem, whilst not thinking what will be the full outcome; Because as you said,”All people are interested in is a quick solution to their problems, or as you put it, “Bland logic.” Thank you for calling. If you want to you call please leave your name and phone number and one of our trained Councilors will get back to you. It's coming up to 10.0 P.M. it's time for the news!

Alan switched off the sound and motioned to The NewsReader to join him outside, whom immediately put on a recording of the news he had made earlier before agreeing to do so.

Outside bodies lay dead in the street, amidst burnt cars and houses. Big Ben could be seen in the distance, it's left side destroyed by a bomb blast, yet somehow it's mechanism was still working.

A paper blew against The phone in Presenter's leg, wrapping itself around as if for warmth, he picked it up and read it the headline Stated:




Why didn't they listen to us? Inquired Alan, I mean what was the point of wanting our advice if they weren't going to listen!|

Maybe they should have given us a wider range of empathy and not just a mass of wires and circuits!” Stated The NewsReader.

The two men pressed a button on their left wrists covered buy their artificial flesh, their faces clicked open to reveal a mass of wires and circuits and pingpong balls that when their faces were closed looked like eyes, as was intended.

The two men pressed their wrists again and their faces went back to normal by closing. Now they looked human. A tear ran down the Presenter's face, when he considered what might have been, if people had only listened to the advice they'd sort.

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